On Saturday, January 30th, WCI partnered with our pharmacy, PelMeds, to hold our first Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic at Rumford Avenue, Employment & Day Program, which was organized by Bhuren Patel of PelMeds & WCI’s Joe Donati, VPO. We thank the WCI Division Heads, Aneta Hazen, Sally Roach, and Paula Dunn-Meadows for their assistance in scheduling the day.
Upon arrival, we were greeted by Joe Donati, Aneta Hazen, and the PELMEDS organizer. They spent the day overseeing the Vaccine Clinic. Employees and staff were scheduled at different times throughout the day.
Upon entering, PelMeds requested a copy of each person’s Consent Form, set up an area to give the vaccine, and an area to wait and social distance. You entered through the back door and exited out the side door. It was friendly and very efficient. About 130 staff and Individuals received their 1st Vaccine shot. Everyone received a card and is due back 4 weeks later on 2/27th to receive their 2nd vaccine shot.

It was quick, easy, and exciting to receive the Vaccine shot, and was thankful to have it set up and organized so efficiently.
In addition, on Sunday, January 31st, PelMeds went to several homes in our 24 Hour, Deaf & Social Supports Divisions as well to administer vaccines to Individuals and staff.
Congratulations to everyone who received their 1st shot!

In addition, there will be another Moderna Vaccine Clinic, at the Main Office, for those who wish to be vaccinated, and have not taken advantage of it, on Friday, 2/5/21. There will be additional clinics scheduled in the future as well.
Thank you PelMeds!
Nancy Silver Hargreaves, President & CEO
Joe Donati, Vice President of Operations