CARF Accreditaiton
WCI is proud to have received three, three-year accreditations from CARF, Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitative Services in January 2009, January 2012, November 2014, November 2017, and May 2021 (delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic). Since WCI opened the Life Skills Day Habilitation Program in 2008, it is required to be CARF accredited.
What is accreditation?
Accreditation is a process that demonstrates a provider has standard methods for the quality of its services. CARF International establishes these standards to guide providers in offering their services and also uses the standards to evaluate how well a provider is servicing people and how it can improve.
As a step toward accreditation, a provider invites CARF to send a team of professionals, titled Surveyors, to visit its site and evaluate its services for quality. The surveyors consult with staff members and interview people who use the provider’s services. A provider can be accredited for one to three years or may have to improve its services before it can be accepted. WCI also holds the highest level of Two – year Certification offered by the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Disabilities (DDS).

DDS Survey & Certification
WCI is licensed by the Department of Developmental Services through the Office of Quality Management. The Office of Quality Management is responsible for coordinating the many activities the Department engages in order to assure and enhance the quality of services to individuals with intellectual & developmental disabilities. Specific activities include the collection of data and publication of periodic quality assurance reports, the licensure and certification of both private and public providers of services, compliance with the requirements of the Federal Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Waiver program, oversight of the risk management and incident reporting system, and initiatives to support and enhance the quality of health care supports. There are various levels of licensure an agency can achieve, but TWO YEARS is the highest level an agency can accomplish. WCI has received this level of certification throughout the years and again in January 2020 and every time historically.
Looking for ways you can help?
Learn about the number of ways you can help support WCI’s mission to empower and support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, autism, and acquired brain injuries to achieve rich and meaningful lives at home, at work, and in their communities.